
Chef JJ & Ron Surrey Collaborate On Seasonal Cookbook-Music CD Project

Go Run Tell Dat! Today, we interviewed Ron Surrey and Chef JJ discussing their new cookbook-music CD project called “Run Tell Dat”. They shared a laugh or two as Ron gave Chef JJ his inspiration for how he came up with the idea for ‘Good Looking Food’ and why ‘Clean As You Go’ is the perfect educational song for adults and kids.

The first Kids Love Cooking with Chef JJ cookbook-music CD of the series will contain 52 original recipes from Chef JJ, plus 7 songs written and performed by Ron Surrey with special guest appearances by our Broadway Stars.

1. Run Tell Dat
2. Clean As You Go
3. Good Lookin’ Food
4. Chobani Greek Yogurt
5. Sho’ Love Watermelon Salad
6. Farmers Market
7. Spaghetti & Grass Fed Meatballs

The plan will be to introduce 4 seasonal cookbooks that will highlight Chef JJ’s favorite kid friendly recipes and what’s being sold at the farmers market during that particular season.

Click To Download Free Chobani Greek Yogurt Song